"With the support of an encouraging husband, Nancy Claire Peikin Rosin became a passionate collector of mementos and ephemera; treasures and clues to the past and to important moments in lives gone by."
This is a special article that was published in the magazine Family Tree in the United Kingdom.
Click on this link to read the article, which will open in a separate window or browser tab. Or if you wish to save it to your hard disk for later, right-click on the link and select "Save As". (1.6MB in size)
The file is a PDF which means you can read it on any computer with free Adobe Reader software and print it on a laser or inkjet printer too. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download it from Adobe.
If you are in the UK, do buy the magazine as it is much easier to read and the photographs will look much better.
Full text of the article will be added later to allow indexing by search engines.